About the beating heart of YOMI




The buttons are the element of flamboyance that is so dear to YOMI. They are the extravagant “bijoux”, the everlasting dramatic elegance, glistening treasures and the intimate “accomplice” of the blazers. But they hold more at their heart than that, they echo a sentimental value too.

The buttons are the element of flamboyance that is so dear to YOMI. They are the extravagant “bijoux”, the everlasting dramatic elegance, glistening treasures and the intimate “accomplice” of the blazers. But they hold more at their heart than that, they echo a sentimental value too.


I recall all the time I spent at my grandmother’s house being her trusted style confidante while she was getting dressed. She would run around her room half-naked and ask me, as she was approaching her 80s, “What am I going to put on my dream body today, Fanny? ” To help her decide what to wear, my grandmother would showcase the outfits for my approval as if I were her royal adviser. I just loved these moments, looking at her, her array of clothes, her trove of jewellery, her many “things” that she had adorned around the room that sent me into complete awe, urging me to run my hands across them all, looking and hoping for new souvenirs I could bring home with me.

My grandmother has always possessed an eclectic mix of very expensive and very cheap accessories, from Cartier or from the local market, the “label” never bothered her, She treated all manner of things in the same way, loving the glamorous hotels in Taiwan or New York as much as the crowded markets in the south of Spain, and so did I. It was in these Spanish markets where we would spend a lot of time and concentration, scouring the streets for five euro house dresses or two euro jewels, missions I always took very seriously. 

I recall all the time I spent at my grandmother’s house being her trusted style confidante while she was getting dressed. She would run around her room half-naked and ask me, as she was approaching her 80s, “What am I going to put on my dream body today, Fanny? ” To help her decide what to wear, my grandmother would showcase the outfits for my approval as if I were her royal adviser. I just loved these moments, looking at her, her array of clothes, her trove of jewellery, her many “things” that she had adorned around the room that sent me into complete awe, urging me to run my hands across them all, looking and hoping for new souvenirs I could bring home with me.

My grandmother has always possessed an eclectic mix of very expensive and very cheap accessories, from Cartier or from the local market, the “label” never bothered her, She treated all manner of things in the same way, loving the glamorous hotels in Taiwan or New York as much as the crowded markets in the south of Spain, and so did I. It was in these Spanish markets where we would spend a lot of time and concentration, scouring the streets for five euro house dresses or two euro jewels, missions I always took very seriously. 


When I reached an age where I could travel alone I would take a train or a plane to just hang out with her. There is this magic complicity between us I can’t explain, I love her craziness, her class, there is such a wild, tireless energy to her character. There was one specific time at her house in Belgium, as I was going through her old clip-on earrings collection, seeing a look in my eye she recognised all too well, she told me I could take them all. “All of them?“, “All of them!”. 

At that moment it started, the love of all those years coveting precious items she carefully collected over years had just been handed over to me. It is where YOMI’s journey began, in those very first moments. That is what the buttons are, a living memory, a love story. A lot of love.”

When I reached an age where I could travel alone I would take a train or a plane to just hang out with her. There is this magic complicity between us I can’t explain, I love her craziness, her class, there is such a wild, tireless energy to her character. There was one specific time at her house in Belgium, as I was going through her old clip-on earrings collection, seeing a look in my eye she recognised all too well, she told me I could take them all. “All of them?“, “All of them!”. 

At that moment it started, the love of all those years coveting precious items she carefully collected over years had just been handed over to me. It is where YOMI’s journey began, in those very first moments. That is what the buttons are, a living memory, a love story. A lot of love.”